回答 ( 2) 关注 ( 0) 查看 ( 1588) 我在沙盒Android N应用程序中定义了一个接收器:. < receiver android: exported ="true" android: name ="com.sandboxapplication.NetworkReceiver"> < intent - filter > < action android: name ="android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE" /> intent - filter > receiver >. 这很简单:. Hace 1 día Windows Update: "Android - Net 3/30/2016 12:00:00AM -" I'm starting to get this update in Windows daily or even several times a day. Each time I get a message saving that Windows couldn't install the update, each time I click through to the Windows Update screen in settings and click on Install Now (see image). android.net.cn - 域名售卖
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