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在数据准确性方面, 世界顶级球手信任TrackMan. 超过800名巡回赛球手, 大赛冠军, 所有大型球具厂商, 赛事转播单位以及数千名教练和业余球手都依赖TrackMan进行数据追踪和分析. 借助世界上第一个也是唯一的双雷达技术, 您现在可以使用TrackMan模拟器解决方案在室内为您的设施带来同样的精度和可靠性. The Trackman is a high-priced item, and based on its features, that is for a very good reason. It is targeted at professionals and coaches who require every insight possible. I am yet to find an amateur golfer using this launch monitor. GCQuad vs Trackman – Benefits. TrackMan, Vedbæk. 108K likes. TrackMan is the choice for swing and ball flight analysis used by the best players in the world, incl. Equipment manufactures, Coaches, Fitters. Pelaa & harjoittele golfia TrackMan-simulaattorissa . Varaa aika. Harjoittele rangella tai pelaa kuuluisia kenttiä . Ympyrä Golf Haminassa tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden golfharjoitteluun ja pelaamiseen. TrackMan II — Now available from $ 14,995. With the launch of TrackMan III a limited number of refurbished TrackMan II units are available at a very aggressive price. All mechanical parts and outer casing have been replaced, considered equal to a brand new unit including full one year hardware warranty and software update.
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