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Windows Photo Viewer是是Windows系统自带的图片浏览工具,即Windows照片查看器,设置Windows Photo Viewer为默认查看图片程序如下: 1、选择需要查看的图片,右击选择打开方式。 2、在打开方式中,点击选择默认程序。 3、选择默认程序为Windows 照片查看器。 12/3/2019 · Windows Photo Viewer is alive and well and part of Windows 7. Are you perhaps thinking of Windows Live Photo Gallery? Although no longer supported or offered for download by Microsoft, you can still get it. Starting with Windows 10, when you open an image file, the image would no longer be viewed in the Windows Photo Viewer. Instead, you'll be switched to the new Microsoft Photos, which is plagued Microsoft Photos – the official alternative to Windows Photo Viewer If you’re running Windows 10, then hands down, the Photos app is probably most readily available Windows picture viewer you Microsoft’s new Photos app has come quite a long way since it first launched with Windows 10, incorporating some of the features it initially didn’t have but Windows Photo Viewer had, like a Photo Viewer Drivers free download - Restore Windows Photo Viewer, Drivers For Free, CopyTrans Drivers Installer, and many more programs regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\photoviewer.dll . 如果不存在的话,您可以到其它和您版本位数相同的计算机复制 PhotoViwer.dll 到 C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer 路径下,并按下 win+R ,输入 regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\photoviewer.dll 。 希望以上信息能帮助到您。

FastStone Image Viewer Online Tips. tips. Note: exe. A single executable file that installs the application in your computer. Recommended for 

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