Nahuatl - Wikipedia
此页面最后编辑于2017年8月15日 (星期二) 02:06。 本站的全部文字在知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0协议之条款下提供,附加条款亦可能应用。 (请参阅使用条款) Wiktionary®和维基词典标志是维基媒体基金会的注册商标;维基™是维基媒体基金会的商标。 维基媒体基金会是在美国佛罗里达州登记的501 歌手: Nahuatl Sound System; 发行时间: 2012-07-04; 收听量: 6346; 专辑介绍: 查看详细>> 热门专辑. 更多. 北京酷我科技有限公司版权所有 网络视听许可证第0109362号 京ICP证060261号 Online Nahuatl Dictionary, Stephanie Wood, editor. The team associated with the Wired Humanities Projects wishes to acknowledge the generous support from the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The "Documenting Endangered Languages Grant" underwrote not only the construction of the dictionary, but also the huge contributions of John Sullivan, Eduardo … El Nahuatl es una lengua originaria de Mexico. Lo hablaban los Mexicas del centro de Mexico, la gran Tenochtitlan. Recuperemos esa hermosa lengua.(Recorded w What Nahuatl means in Kannada, Nahuatl meaning in Kannada, Nahuatl definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Nahuatl in Kannada. Also see: Nahuatl in Hindi. Our Apps are nice too! Dictionary. Translation. Vocabulary. Games. Quotes. Forums. Lists. And more English Kannada Dictionary. English Kannada Dictionary. Vocabulary Lists × We provide a facility to save words in lists
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Náhuatl - Aztekisch — Institut für Archäologie und
This app contains 15,000 words in Maya and Nahuatl(Spanish & English), you can use two types of searches, by word or by letter, if you use “search by word”, we recommend using the autocomplete option that appears to fill the bar, the other is search by the first letter, you have to select one letter of the alphabet, which displays a list in alphabetical order. Nahuatl definition is - a group of closely related Uto-Aztecan languages that includes the speech of several peoples (such as the Aztecs) of central and southern Mexico and Central America. [考据][密林悍将]密林悍将中阿卡胡拉语言的原型是纳瓦特尔语(Nahuatl) 前言与结论 之前的密林悍将剧情中,我们知道了阿卡胡拉语言和萨尔贡其他地方通用的萨尔贡语具有很大区别。 剧情中也介绍了几个阿卡胡拉语言的词汇,比如“马维索提亚”=“力量和荣耀”,“提亚卡乌”=“骁勇善战的人”。
Náhuatl - Aztekisch — Institut für Archäologie und
The Difference Language Makes: The Lifehistory of Nahuatl in Two Mexican “las However, some modern Nahuatl dialects that were less exposed to the influence The modern Nahuatl (today mostly Mexicatlatolli or Mexicano , or, in the metropolis Student thesis by Lena Terhart, FU Berlin, 2007 (PDF). The Náhuatl language is by far the most spoken indigenous Mexican (
汉语 --> 我爱你 英语 --> I love you (爱老虎油) 法语 --> Je t`aime,Je t`adore (也带嘛) 德语 --> Ich liebe Dich (衣西里拔弟兮) 芬兰 --> Minarakastan sinua (明那拉卡司谈洗奴娃) 荷兰 --> IK hou van jou (阿荣吼范丸) 捷克 --> Miluji te (米卢急特) 丹麦 --> Jeg elsker dig (接个爱死替个) 缅甸 --> chit pa de (起拍得) 日本 --> 爱している See full list on Some experts believe the word for chocolate came from the Aztec word "xocolatl," which means "bitter water" in the Nahuatl language. Others believe the word "chocolate" was created by combining Mayan and Nahuatl words. The explorer Christopher Columbus brought cacao seeds to Spain after his trip to Central America in 1502. 华军软件园为您提供LingridAPP下载,Lingrid2.2电脑版官方下载。适用于语言学习者的即时多语言、多短语翻译。翻译、组织、倾听以熟记。 OCR光学字符识别软件哪家强?Readiris for Mac这款强大而准确的光学字符识别软件可以帮助您!它可以通过访问不可编辑的文本内容来改善您的工作流程和工作效率。可以帮助您处理扫描文件和通常不可修改的数字文件,允许您合并和分割,编辑和注释,保护和签名您的PDF!您只用点击几下鼠标直观地 发布时间:2020-10-14 15:31:15. 点击下载. 作者:黄懿陆. 出版社:云南人民出版社 格式: azw3, docx, epub, mobi, pdf, txt. 史前易学:人类文明起源的百科全书试读:
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